SPSS Data Collection

Get an accurate view of people’s attitudes, preferences and opinions

IBM SPSS Data Collection

Survey and market researchers worldwide use SPSS Data Collection products to achieve deeper understanding of people’s attitudes, preferences and opinions so that this valuable insight can be included in decision-making processes.

IBM SPSS Data Collection Capabilities

  • Authoring


    Streamline the process of creating surveys using familiar, intuitive interfaces and incorporate sophisticated logic to increase completion rates and ensure high-quality data.
  • Interviewing


    Advanced, easy-to-use technology for deploying and managing compelling surveys over the web, by phone or face-to-face. Keep up with trends such as HTML5 and mobile surveys.
  • Reporting


    Easily and efficiently develop professional, interactive reports in online or desktop environments, and deliver the right information to the right people at the right time.
  • SaaS

    On Cloud

    Create, program, and field your survey projects via Software as a Service (SaaS) with a minimal upfront investment. Jump start your survey research process without the need of software licenses, infrastructure, security, maintenance or staff to manage the platform.
  • Survey hosting

    Survey hosting

    Consider outsourcing your online projects to save time, minimize in-house resources and maximize the benefits of online data collection. You provide a questionnaire and IBM SPSS Online Services gives you the survey results.

All SPSS Data Collection software

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Learn more about SPSS Data Collection

Infographic: Everybody’s talking about you

Customers, prospects, employees, and competitors all seem to have plenty to say about you—and plenty of places to say it. But how can that feedback help you make smarter decisions?

Video: SPSS Data Collection Overview

Discover a complete technology platform to deliver surveys in many modes, over any channel, in many languages, from any location.